Session 1: Introduction
COVID-19 Resilience & Permaculture Course Introduction
Watch the video and read the text to complete session 1.
Turning problems into solutions at Gaia Ashram, an intentional community in Thailand
The permaculture principles are not only reminding us how to design lands and communities but also how to react to change and make decisions. We have been observing the current situation and the global shut down caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and the strong reactions of key decision-makers and national governments. In such a situation we had no other possibility other than to creatively respond to change. We postponed the PDC (supposed to start March 25) to November based on the assumption that free movement throughout countries will be possible and that we already reached a post-COVID-19 reality in a few months.
In order to reduce the risk to the participants and the community, we ask the remaining participants not to come to the Gaia Ashram. However, by that time we already had quite a few people living with us in the community. As we went into a shelter and security modus (no one in and no one out) we will be together as a community for an undefined time span. To increase resilience and balance the group dynamic we saw an opportunity arising.
We will start with a 3-hour permaculture session each afternoon following the topics, knowledge, and structure that would be part of a normal Permaculture Design Course. We will also record parts of the daily session and share it with the global community and likeminded friends from Friday, April 3. Just visit or send us an email at so we can send you our new content right away into your mail box. No registration needed!
In addition to the PDC structure, we will put a focus on building abundance/resilience in terms of food production, plant medicine, and social permaculture. Depending on the outside situation we might be able to cover the entire 72 hour PDC curriculum by the end of the crises. This gives us all the opportunity to grow in unity (While experiencing the effects of acute isolation) in times of uncertainty and prepare ourselves for the post-COVID-19 reality by building up community capacity as resilient change makers.
Furthermore, we will record parts of the daily session and share it with the global community and likeminded friends. We see this as our duty to all our global friends that are in isolation at the moment. Practicing social distancing in flats, cities or other situations. Depending on their current placement they can not be part of a caring community and might not able to interact with nature.
The next Permaculture design Course at Gaia Ashram will start November 25, and you can already register yourself for the few remaining spots. The new date is based on the assumption that free movement throughout countries will be possible and that we already reached a post-COVID-19 reality in a few months.
Resilience is about creating an edible oasis in harmony with nature.
Permaculture is living with and as part of nature.
Why are we doing it?
We recognized within our community and also on a global level that people are concerned and that the new situation and dealing with uncertainty is consuming a lot of energy. With this PDC we want to maintain our personal and group energy, influencing the global energy shift, and become an empowering counterpart and energy source.
We feel it is time to serve others in whatever way possible. In our case, we decided to go for increasing resilience and empowering people to become active and react creatively to change following Bill Mollison’s principle of cooperation. „Cooperating not competition, is the very basis of existing life systems and future survival“ He is showing two ways of working with people, the land and basically everything.
"What can I get from this land or person?
What does this land or person have to give if I cooperate?“
The first approach from Bill Mollison’s point of view will bring „war and waste“ whereas the other one will open the door towards „peace and plenty“ For me Permaculture and holistic system design is also a lot about letting go of your ego and accepting that we are not the creator of ecosystems and nature. Instead while following the second Co-Creative approach we can transform ourselves into a beneficial part of the web of life in an ecosystem.
For that reason, we do not charge a fee or create a paywall. We are happy to share and serve in this unique situation in our way.
SADIMET: Permaculture Design Process following 7 Steps
Thanks for your commitment
Thank you for staying committed during these difficult times! We wanna express our deep gratitude and respect. As you can see, we tried very hard to make this PDC possible and looked for alternatives; especially because of the current framework conditions as we strongly believe that there was never a bigger need for spreading knowledge on how to interact in harmony with nature than today. We also believe that in these times people empowerment and community experience is the right response to change.
We are happy to come up with this new and proactive way of dealing with the situation turning problems into solutions. We will see what the future has to offer and will continue to creatively respond to change. For now, we are committed and will do one step at a time and be curious about what the next day has to offer. Together we will start this learning journey with a practical lesson on Hugelkultur.
For the full experience of an extended Permaculture Design Course with flowful at Gaia Ashram, you need to wait until the end of 2020. The PDC will be postponed and will take place from November 25 till December 11, 2020; of course under the assumption that free movement throughout countries is possible and that we already reached a post-COVID-19 reality…